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Well, it has been a while since I did a post. I have started several drafts, but none of them are anywhere near ready to go. This week, I have abandoned doing anything because of my addiction to Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. I am really addicted to collecting souls, which give you new abilities to choose from and can be fused with weapons to make better weapons. I am at a high enough level to finish the game, but I do not have the weapons that I want. I currently use the third best axe, which is a slow but powerful weapon. I only need to collect a duplicate of a soul that I already have so that I can upgrade my axe to the second strongest form, but the strongest form requires the soul of a boss, and I am not sure if I would want to give up one of my boss souls for any weapon. When I get the correct souls for it, I will probably try to get a Valmanway, which is the equivalent of the Crissagrim from Symphony of the Night, which was by far my favorite weapon in that game. I also use a throwing sickle occasionally when I want to attack from a distance. I also use Eversing armor, which has the second highest defense in the game. I switch between accessories a lot, but my favorite is the Soul Eater Ring because it increases the appearance of souls.
As for souls, there are four types that you can use: Ability, Bullet, Guardian, and Enchant. All ability souls are active all the time, so you never have to choose between them. Enchant souls are souls that are always active and do not use magic. I have used Ghost Dancer almost the entire time, as it increases your luck, which increases the appearance of souls. (Gotta catch them all!) Guardian souls are pretty interesting, as they are activated and drain MP at a constant rate until deactivated. This category includes familiars. I switch in this category more than any other. I use Flying Humanoid when I want to increase my luck, I use Manticore to grow a tail when I want to increase my attack, and I use Bat Company when I need to turn into a bat. Bullet souls are one time costs to MP. I mainly use Malachi which shoots an enormous dark energy ball that usually hits the enemy four or five times as it passes, Witch which is basically a homing missle, and Waiter Skeleton which serves delicious curry. That is the most amusing soul in the game: He throws a plate of curry on the ground, which burns any enemy that steps on it.
Anyway, so I am not done with the game yet, so I know I am not posting a lot. (Also, our DVR is getting really backed up.)
Here are two of my favorite links, to try to make up for lost time. I enjoy Grand Theft Auto, and one of my favorite aspects of both Vice City and San Andreas was the amazing soundtracks. These two links are to decode the music so that you can use it on your computer. Vice City had a single sound file for each of the stations, so that is what you get when you decode to a wav file. (It should be easy enough for you to cut into the individual songs with a sound editing program.) Really, while the way that they did the decoding for Vice City is impressive, it pales in comparison to the San Andreas radio program. This program is amazing, allowing you to do everything you could want to do with the sound files. If you have either game on the PS2, get these programs.
Vice City Radio
San Andreas Radio
As for souls, there are four types that you can use: Ability, Bullet, Guardian, and Enchant. All ability souls are active all the time, so you never have to choose between them. Enchant souls are souls that are always active and do not use magic. I have used Ghost Dancer almost the entire time, as it increases your luck, which increases the appearance of souls. (Gotta catch them all!) Guardian souls are pretty interesting, as they are activated and drain MP at a constant rate until deactivated. This category includes familiars. I switch in this category more than any other. I use Flying Humanoid when I want to increase my luck, I use Manticore to grow a tail when I want to increase my attack, and I use Bat Company when I need to turn into a bat. Bullet souls are one time costs to MP. I mainly use Malachi which shoots an enormous dark energy ball that usually hits the enemy four or five times as it passes, Witch which is basically a homing missle, and Waiter Skeleton which serves delicious curry. That is the most amusing soul in the game: He throws a plate of curry on the ground, which burns any enemy that steps on it.
Anyway, so I am not done with the game yet, so I know I am not posting a lot. (Also, our DVR is getting really backed up.)
Here are two of my favorite links, to try to make up for lost time. I enjoy Grand Theft Auto, and one of my favorite aspects of both Vice City and San Andreas was the amazing soundtracks. These two links are to decode the music so that you can use it on your computer. Vice City had a single sound file for each of the stations, so that is what you get when you decode to a wav file. (It should be easy enough for you to cut into the individual songs with a sound editing program.) Really, while the way that they did the decoding for Vice City is impressive, it pales in comparison to the San Andreas radio program. This program is amazing, allowing you to do everything you could want to do with the sound files. If you have either game on the PS2, get these programs.
Vice City Radio
San Andreas Radio