
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I won the Kotaku Daily Comments!

I was the Kotaku daily comments winner for yesterday!!!

See my win here!

Here is the original comment section

Oh, and because I chose to take the high road regarding steampunk’s comment on Kotaku and not offer a response, I figure that I should do so for any readers of my blog. Steampunk appears to be mixing up etymology with actual usage, I will spell it out for him: Video in Latin is the root word for video the English word and prefix, but the meanings are different. It is not appropriate to prefix a word in English with video- and expect that the audience will reference the Latin root rather than the English word. By the time “video game” entered the lexicon, “video” had already established an English meaning. His definition more closely resembles the English word “view” which also shares the Latin etymology. Another poor argument regarding a comment contest winner. *rolls eyes*


And for full disclosure, I have myself been bitching about the comments contest winner from a few days ago because I thought that I had a better argument that implied the obvious point that the winner stated. Please see below for the references. I just was not bitter enough to make a comment about the winner on Kotaku, but just bitter enough to mention it on my own webpage. I congratulate the winner anyway.

The daily comments winner

The original comment section with my comment